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Women’s Mission Ministry

Ministry Vision

We plan to share the gospel with people with whom
we would normally have no contact at home and


Ministry Mission

We plan to support family; by visiting nursing homes
and, supporting congregates, support foreign
mission; by participating in district, state and
national conventions, world vision poverty in
America and Abroad, support a missionary, support
world prayer and support fellowship; by preparing
an annual mission day and hosting convention


Ministry Scripture

So Jesus said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you. " - John 20:21



4th Saturday each month 12pm - 2pm



Nursing Home visitations Monthly

Support Church members


Foreign Mission

Support National and State Convention Projects

Support World Vision Poverty in America and Abroad

Support a Missionary.

Support World Prayer



Annual Day

Host State Convention Meetings.



Prayer Luncheon

Coin Sunday Donations

Stay at Home Tea 





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